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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Want more PC speed? Learn How to Speed Up PC Performance with 7 expert tips!

One of the biggest questions on the net is " How to speed up PC
performance? ". Well we have compiled the best tips and tricks for a phenomenal boost in PC speed. If you follow these the for ways of how
to increase PC speed, you should see a boost of anywhere between
35-52.5% in performance speed based on industry standards.

TOP 7 Ways to Speed Up PC Performance

1. Use a Registry Cleaner.
Windows Registry--This is a store house of data that your computer has
collected via normal operations. Your windows registry keeps a log of all
updates, installation, de-installation on your computer. The registry can
grow to a massive size. You can manually eliminate these files by typing
regedit into the Run command line. However, this can be highly
dangerous for your system if a mistake is made in deletion. Its better to
get a good registry cleaner to do the job for you. There are dozens of
different registry cleaners software and registry cleaner tools
available for use with the registry

2. Defrag your hard drive

Over time, the data on your hard drive gets scattered. De-fragmenting
your hard drive puts your data back into sequential order, making it easier
for Windows to access it. As a result, the performance of your computer
will improve.

start -> all programs -> accessories -> system tools -> disk defragments

Windows 7
Windows 7`s Defragment feature runs automatically but if you want to
control it manually, follow the steps
control panel -> system and security -> Defragment your hard drive

3. Disk Cleanup
Windows has the ability to store a lot of useless data. It's your task to
clean up old and corrupted computer files regularly to avoid slow down.
Disk Cleanup--This tool allows you to clean up compressed and
unnecessary files collected during Windows operations. Windows has
deemed these files safe to delete. This files can be anything from your
temporary internet files to programs no longer in use.
start -> all programs -> accessories -> system tools -> Disk Cleanup

Windows 7
start -> all programs -> accessories -> system tools ->Disk Cleanup
the disk cleanup exe file is located at

4. Internet Files/ Cookies/ and Temp Files
Surfing the net can cause our PC to collect a lot of useless data. This
information needs to be flushed out regularly for normal operations and
RAM to be used efficiently

start -> Run -> tpye %temp% and click ok
folder full of files and other folder will appear all of the folders and files
you see in this temp folder are no longer being used by windows XP
and can safely be deleted

Windows 7
creating the batch file to clean temporary files
open notepad and tpe the following
cd c:\users\%username%\appdata\localrmdir/S/Qtemp
save the file as cleantemp.bat -> now double click on the file to remove
your temporary files and free up space on your computer

If this doesn`t work and give an access error, try replacing %username%
with you windows login username.

Automating the process of Deleting temporary files
To automate this process, so you do not need to remember to run it, do
the following
Right click on the bath file and select create shortcut -> place the shortcut
in the your startup folder in the start menu
Now when you log in to windows 7, your temporary files will be deleted

5. Scan for Adware/Spyware and Viruses

These nasty little worms can wreak havoc on your PC speed. Detecting and c leaning viruses is an excellent way to improve your system's performance
and increase PC speed.

6. Adjust your computer’s Visual effects
Windows provides a number of resource hogging and interesting visual
effects like animated windows and fading menus. These effects, however,
can slow down your computer and kill your PC speed.

start -> right click my computer -> properties -> system properties dialog box
appears -> click advanced tab -> in the performance area -> click settings ->
perfomance options dialog box appears -> on the visual effects tab select
the custom option -> clear the check boxes for the visual effects you want
to disable -> click ok

Windows 7
Start -> control panel -> system and maintenance -> perfomance information
and tools -> click adiust visual effects. If you are prompted for an
administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide
confirmation. -> click visual effects tab, click Adjust for best perfomance,
than click ok(for a less drastic option select lets windows choose what`s best
for my computer

7. limit how many programs load at startup

You can improve your computer's performance by preventing unnecessary
programs from running automatically when Windows starts
start -> all programs -> windows defender -> click tool button -> click
software explorer -> in the catergory box -> click startup programs -> select
the program that you want to prevent from running, and than click disable ->
click yes to confirm that you want to stop that program from running

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