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Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to connect NFS Most Wanted game through wifi

We can connect 2 laptops in windows 7 using one as host another one as guest. than we can play most wanted or any other game through wifi.

follow this step

IN Host PC (lap 1)
1. In start menu type 'setup and ad hoc network' click ok
2. than click on next
3. Put Network name
security type WPA2-personal
security key (min 8 key password)
4. click ok

In Guest PC(lap 2)
1. in start menu type "connect to a network" click ok
2. than connect to the network name which one you gave in host pc (laptop 1)

In NFS Most Wanted game

In Host PC(lap 1)
1. open Most Wanted game, in main menu select Lan Play
2. press cancel if it showing message Looking for for Lan server
3. press 1 to create server, write any name
4. now it showing message starting Lan server wait until it start server
5. now in menu go to create game choose any game from list. and wait until your friends join you.

In Guest PC(lap 2)
1. open Most Wanted game, in main menu select Lan Play
2. now it showing message looking for Lan server wait until it fined server.
3. now select server from list and give name to your car.
4. now select session match from menu
5. now it showing message
game mode any
collision game any
performance matching any
6. press enter to accept game

now you can enjoy NFS Most wanted game using wifi with friends.
you can connect up to 4 laptop and min 2 laptop.

feel free to write comments ...

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  1. Thanks for this valuable information................

  2. it crashes when i connect it and shows sumthing "app crashes" to get rid of it.......?????

    1. Which one get crashes game or laptop.. you may get help from this post

  3. Check out this post

  4. can't find the server of lap 1(host).....please provide steps further...>

    1. Check your WIFI is On, check firewall settings for further details check out this post

  5. can't we use an external wifi router to play this game ??
    can't keep both the laptop(or rather PC) on a same external wifi and play the game ??
    Please respond on

    1. You Can, both laptop should be connected to same wifi router and start from
      In NFS Most Wanted game

  6. its not working wit my laptop .... it showing message "there was a problem to start lan servers.please check your network setting and try again"
